Concrete floors are typically very dirty, especially if they are not cleaned often. In fact, the word concrete itself brings about images of dirt and the outdoors. Cleaning concrete floors isn’t as difficult as it may seem. In truth, cleaning concrete floors is much like cleaning any other floor. However, you should know, that due to the floor being concrete, you should be able to get away with using more abrasive means of cleaning. 


You have a lot of options when it comes to which products you’ll be using. You could make up your own cleaning solution. Or, you could simply use bleach to clean the floor. If the location permits it, you could even use a pressure washer to make sure all the dirt and grime is removed from the floor. 

Sweep Regularly

Concrete floors, as is the case with any floor that sees lots of foot traffic, will require constant upkeep. This means sweeping almost daily. Sweeping daily will make those big cleaning days come fewer and farther between. If you clean daily, you won’t have to put as much work in scrubbing the floors when the time comes. Sweeping combined with a coat of floor wax should ensure your concrete floor looks incredible all year round. Not only does the coat of wax make the floor shine, but it will also make it easier to sweep up dirt and debris in the future. 

Things to Look Out For

Wet concrete floors can be slick. That’s why safety is always important. Slipping on a concrete floor is very dangerous, especially when you consider there will probably be toxic cleaning agents on the ground. Not only will you suffer from banging against the floor, but you will also likely be covered in very caustic cleaning supplies. Slipping on a freshly cleaned floor is more than just embarrassing, it can have very serious consequences. In addition to making sure you don’t slip and fall, you should always make sure the area you are cleaning is well-ventilated.

Whether you are considering making use of a concrete floor or whether you always had a design in mind but wanted to research the maintenance before deciding if it is a plausible project, this article above should be more than useful in helping you clean the concrete floor and remain safe at the same time.

Thinking about switching to a beautiful polished concrete floor? Contact us today!